Govt Navin College Hasoud is located at hasoud village in jaijaipur tehsil of janjgir champa district of chhattishgarh. It is established at 2008. It is a premier institute in the rural & schedule areas of janjgir champa district. It is a co-educated institution affiliated to SHAHEED NANDKUMAR PATEL VISHWAVIDYALAYA RAIGARH. Hasoud is at a distance of 100 kms from bilaspur & 60 kms from champa railway junction. The college is recognition from UGC under 2(f) & 12(B) on march 2008. This institute has a science, arts, commerce, computer application along with post graduation in four subjects PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, HINDI, ENGLISH. This institute has 2110 students with 1166 girls in Academic Year 2021-22 . This college was established with the motive of development & enhancement of the rural areas of hasoud & nearby places.